Am 5. November 2024 wird der nächste US-Präsident gewählt. Nicht nur in den USA steht viel auf dem Spiel. Im Fall seiner Wahl hat Donald Trump bereits die Beistandspflicht in der NATO in Frage gestellt. Auch die amerikanische Unterstützung in der Ukraine stünde auf der Kippe. Welche Konsequenzen hätte eine Wahl Donald Trumps für die Themen, die uns beim PRIF beschäftigen – etwa für die Rüstungskontrolle und Abrüstung, für den Krieg in der Ukraine oder den Nahostkonflikt, für den Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, das Krisenengagement Deutschlands und Europas in afrikanischen Ländern, für die europäische Sicherheit oder die Beziehungen zwischen China und den USA sowie China und Europa? Welche Konsequenzen hätte ein Sieg der Demokraten? Gibt es Schritte, die die deutsche Politik jetzt schon unternehmen sollte, um sich vorzubereiten? In einer Blogreihe zwischen Juli und November 2024 werden diese Themen auf dem PRIF-Blog diskutiert.
The US Presidential Election 2024
On 5 November 2024, the United States will elect their next president. The stakes are high – not only in the US. In the event of his election, Donald Trump has already called into the question the basic tenants of NATO. American support in Ukraine would also be on the line. What consequences would a Donald Trump election have for the issues that concern us at PRIF – such as arms control and disarmament, the war in Ukraine, Israel-Gaza war and the wider Middle East, the fight against climate change, Germany and the EU’s engagement in conflict prevention in African countries, European security, or relations between China and the USA as well as China and the EU? What would be the consequences of a Democratic victory? Are there steps that German policymakers should already be taking before the election or irrespective of its outcome? In a blog series between July and November 2024, these topics will be discussed on the PRIF blog.
Photo: John Brighenti via flickr // Banner: GDJ via pixabay
Beiträge // Posts
The upcoming U.S. elections signal a potential shift in U.S.-Korean relations. While Kamala Harris would likely continue President Biden’s focus on sanctions and deterrence, Donald Trump might just as easily revive diplomatic talks as cause another flare-up of tensions on the ...
Die USA sind der wichtigste Verbündete Israels, doch die Kriegführung Israels im Gaza-Streifen stellt diese Jahrzehnte währende „besondere Beziehung“ derzeit auf eine Belastungsprobe. Nun stehen die US-Wahlen an: Wie würden sich Trump und Harris im Falle ihrer Wahl ...
The United States has long been the most vital ally for Ukraine in terms of military aid, economic support, and pressuring Russia through sanctions and diplomatic initiatives. Consequently, both Kyiv and Moscow look primarily to the United States when it comes to the ...
The upcoming US presidential elections will serve as a stress test for election administration. Election denialism, (violent) threats and harassment, and concerns about foreign influence have shaped previous electoral environments. The 2022 midterm elections provided insights ...
No matter who wins the US presidential elections in November, the United States will likely continue a more confrontative China policy launched under Trump in 2017. A second Trump administration, however, would likely mean an end to the Biden-era “guardrails” against ...
In terms of foreign and security policy, the pivot to Asia will define the tenure of the next US administration. However, strategic competition at the global level between the US, China and, to a lesser extent, Russia will not leave the Africa policy of either the Democratic or ...
On July 21, 2024, Joe Biden announced that he would be dropping out of the race, only a week after the assassination attempt on now official Republican candidate, Donald Trump. The electoral campaign which has so far been characterized by immense uncertainty, provides a perfect ...
The potential re-election of Donald Trump would be a setback for the US climate policy of recent years. Although emissions reductions remain insufficient, climate policy has been a priority under President Joe Biden. The attempts to find a cooperative format with China despite ...
Seit Ende des Kalten Krieges haben die Vereinigten Staaten die Größe ihres Nuklearwaffenarsenal signifikant reduziert. Doch vor der US-Wahl 2024 zeichnet sich ein dramatischer Kurswechsel ab: Während Russland mit dem Einsatz von Kernwaffen in der Ukraine droht, bauen China ...
US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald J. Trump entgeht einem Attentat. Bereits Sekunden nach der Tat ballt Trump die Hand zur Faust und fordert seine Anhänger auf, den Kampf fortzuführen. Er schafft ein ikonisches Bild, das den weiteren Wahlkampf und den Ausgang der Wahl ...
The presidential elections in the United States this November come with incredibly high stakes – both for US democracy and for US allies across the world. A new PRIF blog series on the consequences of the elections will address the possible fallout of a second Trump term for ...