Person with black and red patterned headscarf seen from behind overlooking a settlement through binoculars.
A kurdish YPG fighter in Rojava. | Photo: Kurdishstruggle via flickr | CC BY 2.0

Rojava Under Pressure After the Fall of Dictator Al-Assad: Turkey and Islamist Allies Threaten the Kurdish Autonomous Region in Syria

After the long-awaited fall of the brutal dictator Bashar Al-Assad on December 8, 2024, through a swift offensive by Islamist rebels, many Syrians initially found hope. However, for the Kurds, this brought a different reality. Turkey and its Islamist allies have been putting immense pressure on the Autonomous Administration. Around 100,000 Kurds have already fled, and a Turkish invasion seems increasingly likely. The dream of democratic self-governance now faces an existential threat.


Menschenmenge mit Auto, auf dem viele Menschen stehen und eine Frau schwingt eine syrische Flagge. Im Hintergrund Palmen, Hochhäuser und ein Berg.
09. Dezember 2024: Menschen feiern den Sturz des syrischen Präsidenten al-Assad auf dem Umayyad-Platz in Damaskus, Syrien. | Foto: © EPA Images | EPA-EFE/BILAL AL HAMMOUD

Syrien: Blitzoffensive der islamistischen Rebellenallianz stürzt Assad

Eine Blitzoffensive der islamistischen Rebellenallianz markiert das Ende des Assad-Regimes. Ende November 2024 erobern die Rebellen mit rasantem Tempo große Städte, und Anfang Dezember fällt auch Damaskus. Der Zusammenbruch der Ba’ath-Regime-Truppen erfolgt wie ein Dominoeffekt, und Baschar Al-Assad ist im russischen Exil – ein Wendepunkt im syrischen Bürgerkrieg. Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Hintergründe der dramatischen Ereignisse in Syrien und wirft einen Blick auf die Zukunft des Landes.


Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, for whom France has issued an arrest warrant. | Foto: Wikimedia Commons | Lizenzinformation

The French Arrest Warrant for Assad – Breaking New Ground in the Prosecution of Chemical Weapons Use?

On November 14, 2023, a French Magistrate Judge issued an arrest warrant for Syria´s President, Bashar al-Assad. The Court found sufficient evidence to initiate proceedings against Assad for complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, specifically the use of chemical weapons. Yet, as this blog post will point out, Heads of State enjoy certain immunities under international law, which the French arrest Warrant thereby violates. This warrant could, however provide a necessary impetus to re-evaluate how states view immunities.  
