The African Elephant is a keystone species, strongly affecting the ecosystems in which they live. The recent drop in elephant populations across the African continent are therefore cause for major concern in the realm of wildlife conservation. However, this downturn is not only cause for ecological concern. The illegal trade in ivory is an important source of revenue for armed groups across the African continent, and highlights questions of governance, corruption, and organized crime. What are the key drivers of illegal elephant killing? What consequences does the trade have, ranging from the local to the international level? How can the trade be halted as a means of warfare financing and ongoing corruption?
Author: Anton Peez
Anton Peez ist Doktorand im Programmbereich „Internationale Institutionen“ an der HSFK. Er forscht zu Zwang, Compliance und Normen in den Internationalen Beziehungen. // Anton Peez is researcher and phd candidate in PRIF’s research department “International Institutions”. His research focuses on coercion, compliance and norms in international relations. | Twitter: @antonpeez