A Nato Flag and a Swedish Flag
Russia’s escalating aggression since 2014 marked a turning point and led to Sweden officially joining NATO. March 18, 2024. | Photo: © picture alliance / Xinhua News Agency | Wei Xuechao

Sweden’s Accession to NATO: What Is behind the Decision?

Russia’s war against Ukraine has echoed in Northern Europe and in the Arctic, where Russia is one of the most influential actors. The region’s security landscape has been significantly transformed after Finland and Sweden, two countries that had previously preferred cooperation with NATO over full membership, joined the Alliance. Because Finland shares a common land border with Russia, its decision was met internationally with reserved understanding. Sweden, however, is in a comparatively unthreatened region, thus for actors outside Northern Europe it was an unexpected move. So, was Stockholm’s decision really surprising? Why did it happen, and what are the potential consequences?


Braune Kästen auf einem Platz in Bogota zum Protest gegen die Ermordung sozialer Aktivist*innen
Tödliche Gewalt gegen Aktivist*innen ist ein verbreitetes Phänomen. Auf einer Mahnwache protestieren Demonstrant*innen gegen die Ermordung sozialer Aktivist*innen in Bogota, Kolumbien, 20. Februar 2024. | Foto: © picture alliance / Anadolu | Juancho Torres

Tödliche Gewalt gegen friedlichen Aktivismus. Was wissen wir über die Ermordung von Menschen, die sich für Menschenrechte, Land- und Umweltschutz engagieren?

Im Jahr 2023 wurden laut Global Witness weltweit mindestens 196 Land- und Umweltaktivist*innen umgebracht, Front Line Defenders zufolge insgesamt 300 Personen, die sich für Menschenrechte einsetzen. Die Forschung zu dieser tödlichen Gewalt gegen friedlichen Aktivismus steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Was wissen wir über Charakteristika, Muster und Ursachen? Und was folgt daraus für die europäische und deutsche Politik?


Image shows three soldiers, one of them climing into the window of a small wooden building, the other two holdling guns, next to a small vehicle with a flat top that holds several devices.
Unmanned Ground Vehicle platform “Ziesel” from the manufacturer ­Diehl­ Defence takes part in a demonstration of the EU-funded iMUGS (integrated Modular Unmanned Ground System) project with Bundeswehr soldiers. Photo: © picture alliance/dpa | Fabian Sommer.

The Limits of Autonomy. Critically Assessing Factors Limiting Full Autonomy of Military Uncrewed Ground Vehicles

The robots are coming! In 2024, no week has passed without eye-catching headlines stating that “the robot wars have […] begun” as part of “a new revolution of warfare.” As robots are increasingly integrated into society, they are also being introduced into the military. In the land domain, military robots are not necessarily humanoids, a la iRobot, but are often uncrewed ground vehicles (UGVs). Looking closely, it becomes clear that we are quite far from the controversial notion of ‘fully autonomous’ robot warfare. High levels of autonomy likely won’t be achieved in UGVs in the mid-term, as the features that enable it are, ironically, its main weakness.


Flags of the BRICS countries are waved in a rain of confetti.
Western flags are nowhere to be seen. But the Russian campaigns to counter attempts at isolation are not always successful.The closing of the 2024 BRICS Sports Games in Kazan, June 23, 2014. | Image: picture alliance/dpa/TASS | Yegor Aleyev.

In the Run-Up to the BRICS+ Summit: Russia’s BRICS+ Soft Power Offensive in Fashion and Sport

Isolating Russia is a key element of the West’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. However, this strategy has only been partially successful. After more than two years of fighting, Russia has found ways to circumvent economic sanctions and political exclusion. This year’s BRICS+ summit, to be held in Kazan in October, is likely to illustrate this development. Russia will host a summit of the highest political and economic importance, bringing together leading powers from different regions of the world. This Spotlight unpacks and evaluates the effectiveness of Russia’s efforts to counter Western isolationist strategies by using soft power initiatives in the areas of fashion and sport in the run-up to the summit.


Photograph of a landscape with four wind turbines.
The peaceful appearance is misleading: Wind park in La Guajira in northern Colombia. Photo: © Martin Gubsch/PRIF.

Resisting Energy Transition? Understanding Roadblocks in Northern Colombia

La Guajira in northern Colombia has seen a disproportionate number of roadblocks recently, especially connected to wind park construction sites, staged by people demanding that the state implement economic, social, and physical security improvements. This conflict is an example of local impacts of the global energy transition on historically marginalized people. In this Spotlight we argue that La Guajira is a prime case showing how the energy transition is leveraged to indirectly address the state through private companies.


Grünlich beleuchteter Gang eines Serverraums, im Hintergrund geht eine Person vorbei
Moskau: Ein Serverraum für Russlands leistungsstärksten Supercomputer Christofari im Rechenzentrum Skolkovo der Sberbank. Foto: © picture alliance/dpa/TASS | Mikhail Tereshchenko

Segmentierung des Cyberspace? Chinas und Russlands Decoupling-Bestrebungen und ihre Konsequenzen

Seit einigen Jahren zeichnet sich ein besorgniserregender Trend ab: Autoritär geprägte Staaten entkoppeln sich zunehmend von den globalen Internet-Infrastrukturen durch den Aufbau eigener IT-Systeme und -Infrastrukturen. Mittelfristig könnte diese Entwicklung zu einer Aufteilung des Cyberspace in unabhängig voneinander funktionierende Teile führen. Eine solche Segmentierung kann Bestandteil strategisch-außenpolitischer Interessensdurchsetzung sein. Damit wird die ohnehin brüchige Stabilität des Cyberraums nachhaltig untergraben und das Risiko schwerwiegender Cyberattacken erhöht.


Image shows a screen with footage from two surveillance cameras and the caption "Camera 08" underneath. The footage shows an open room with several people, in the front you can see two women wearing medical masks
AI detection security camera feed from Mobile World Congress 2022 © picture alliance / NurPhoto | Joan Cros

Beyond the Code: Unveiling Gender Dynamics in AI and Cybersecurity for International Security

Emerging technologies are transforming foreign and security policy as they challenge traditional understandings of power, influence and security. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing importance of cyberspace are some of the most prominent in this regard. Yet, not only are there repercussions for security when narrowly conceived as state security, but they also affect gender relations and human security more broadly. Gender as an analytical category allows us to shed light on the impact of emerging technologies on inequalities, power and violence.


President Rodrigo Duterte with his son, mayoral aspi- rant Sebastian “Baste” Duterte in Davao City on May 6, 2022.
A matter of family: President Rodrigo Duterte with his son, mayoral aspirant Sebastian “Baste” Duterte in Davao City on May 6, 2022.© Presidential Communications Operations Office of the Philippines

Localization of Fatal Police Violence: Evidence from the Philippines

When discussing the use of deadly force in crime control, various factors are commonly considered, ranging from crime levels to organizational culture. Often overlooked is the influence of politics, especially local politics, on police use of deadly force, even though this may provide an important explanation for spatial and temporal variation within states. Using the Philippines as a case study, I contend that local political executives can strongly impact local police use of force levels.


Men in military uniforms on stage, raising their hands in the air.
August 6, 2023: General Abdourahmane Tchiani, Commander of the Presidential Guard Regiment, who headed the transitional government, attends the demonstration of coup supporters at a stadium in the capital city of Niger, Niamey. Photo: © picture alliance / AA | Balima Boureima.

Back in Business or Never Out? Military Coups and Political Militarization in Sub-Sahara Africa

This Spotlight discusses the resurgence of military coups in Sub-Saharan Africa. We argue that an analytical and political focus on coup events misses out on the bigger picture of military influence in politics. Introducing the new Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3) dataset, we demonstrate that African countries that were part of the recent wave of coups, previously showed signs of political militarization such as military veto powers and impunity. We conclude that these subtle forms of military influence can serve as early warning indicators for military coups.


Flugzeug vor blauem Himmel
Eine F-35A der US Air National Guard kommt in South Burlington, VT an. | Foto: Ryan Campbell/ US Air National Guard. |
The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Verbesserte Glaubwürdigkeit: Zur Bedeutung der F-35A für die nukleare Teilhabe

Deutschland beschafft mit der F-35A Lightning II ein neues Trägerflugzeug für die nukleare Teilhabe der NATO. Diese Anschaffung ist umstritten. Bislang wurde in der Debatte allerdings nur unzureichend berücksichtigt, dass die F-35A ein wichtiges Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem der nuklearen Teilhabe lösen kann: Veraltete europäische Kampfflugzeuge wären im Verteidigungsfall kaum in der Lage, die leistungsfähigen Luftverteidigungssysteme der Russischen Föderation zu überwinden und US-amerikanische Atomwaffen ins Ziel zu bringen. Damit trägt die F-35A zu einer Stärkung der nuklearen Abschreckung bei, deren Relevanz seit dem Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine an Bedeutung gewonnen hat.
