As a landmark in the movement to increase global attention to women’s critical role in participation, protection, prevention, relief and recovery in conflict settings, the UN Security Council’s resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) lend reference power to gender mainstreaming in all issues related to conflict resolution and peace governance – however, they fall short of effectively supporting women’s resistance in Myanmar.
Author: Peixuan Xie
Peixuan Xie ist Gastforscherin an der HSFK. Ihr Forschungsinteresse gilt den Themen Gender, Frieden und Sicherheit und deren Überschneidungen mit anderen kritischen Dimensionen von Frieden und Konflikt, wie Wirtschaft, Menschenrechte und Humanität. // Peixuan Xie is a visiting fellow at PRIF. She has her research interest in gender, peace, and security and its intersections with other critical dimensions of peace and conflict, such as business, human rights, and humanitarianism.
| Twitter: @peixuan_x