After a democratic change of power in The Gambia in 2017, the country embarked on a transitional journey. The Gambian government identified Security Sector Reform (SSR) as one of the key priorities in its National Development Plan. Five years in, Gambian citizens express doubts about the government’s seriousness to move the process forward and the progress of SSR remains limited. In this blog post, we take a historical lens to examine current challenges and suggest a long-term perspective in both looking back and moving forward.
Author: Adrian Barchet
Adrian Barchet ist Masterstudent der Afrikanistik an der Universität Leipzig. Zu seinen akademischen Interessen gehören Postwachstumsdiskurse, Machtverhältnisse in Nord-Süd-Beziehungen, dekoloniale Ansätze zur politischen Ökonomie in Afrika und die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Aktuell forscht er zu Synergieeffekten und Kontextualisierungen von Degrowth in Äthiopien. // Adrian Barchet is a Master's student in the Department of African Studies at the University of Leipzig. His academic interests include post-growth discourses, power structures in North-South relations, decolonial approaches to the political economy in Africa and peace and conflict studies. He is currently researching on synergies and contextualizations of degrowth in Ethiopia. | Linkedin: Adrian Barchet