Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Western countries have imposed devastating sanctions on Russia. This blog argues that the current sanctions-regime help boost Kremlin-propaganda, ultimately diminishing the possibility that sanctions will procure a popular uprising or help stop the war. Western states and private organisations must avoid cultural and academic sanctions against Russians and explore ways of helping and influencing Russian civil society while comprehensive sanctions against Kremlin-linked entities are in place.
Author: Celine Emma la Cour
Celine Emma la Cour ist Gastforscherin an der HSFK, während sie ihre Masterarbeit an der Universität Kopenhagen schreibt. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Stigmatisierung in internationalen Beziehungen, Mobilisierung der Zivilgesellschaft und Demokratisierungsbemühungen, insbesondere in Russland und postsowjetischen Staaten. // Celine Emma la Cour is a guest researcher at PRIF while writing her MA thesis at University of Copenhagen. Her research focuses on stigmatization in international relations, mobilization of civil society and democratization efforts especially in Russia and post-Soviet states.