In November, President Luis Arce in Bolivia faced one of the most turbulent moments of his government. In response to the postponement of the Population and Housing Census (initially scheduled for 2022) to 2024, mass protests in the country’s lowland region and the economic powerhouse of Santa Cruz effectively shut down Bolivia’s largest city. The strike was promoted by Governor Luis Fernando Camacho, who in 2019 led the movement that overthrew Evo Morales. The demand was to carry out the census in 2023 and request the redistribution of economic resources and parliamentary seats before the 2025 elections.
Author: Luciana Jáuregui Jinés
Luciana Jáuregui ist eine bolivianische Soziologin und Doktorandin der Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Nationalen Autonomen Universität von Mexiko (UNAM). Sie ist Gastforscherin am Programmbereich „Innerstaatliche Konflikte“ der HSFK. // Luciana Jáuregui is a Bolivian sociologist and a Ph.D. Student of Political and Social Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a visiting fellow at PRIF's research department “Intrastate Conflict”.