Just three months since the first deployment of military contingents, the East African Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo has become heavily contested by Congolese activists and parts of the Congolese population. The protests, which took place in Kinshasa, Goma and Bukavu, powerfully demonstrate that regional military initiatives are no panacea for multi-level security challenges but may in fact run the risk of intensify existing challenges and conflict dynamics.
Author: Stephanie Jänsch
Stephanie Jänsch ist Doktorandin im Graduiertenkolleg „Democratising Security in Turbulent Times“ in Hamburg. Ihre aktuelle Forschung befasst sich mit Protesten und anderen Formen des Widerstands gegen Friedensoperationen der Vereinten Nationen. // Stephanie Jänsch is a PhD-researcher enrolled in the Graduate School “Democratising Security in Turbulent Times” in Hamburg, Germany. Her research focuses on protest and practices of resistance against United Nations peacebuilding operations.