The intensifying systemic rivalry between great powers also involves contesting the most effective approaches to conflict resolution and mediation. The most recent Beijing-mediated détente between Saudi Arabia and Iran has ignited heated debates regarding its longevity and China’s rising profile in the region. While the Middle East may still be a region largely inhospitable to outsider mediation, there are three good reasons why Beijing’s latest foray into Middle East peace diplomacy may be effective. The article argues that China’s hitherto successful mediation between Saudi and Iran lies in its power of not using power—the ability to leverage its growing geoeconomic influence while refraining from the use of coercive power in regional affairs. This approach aims at providing an alternative approach to external powers’ engagement in Middle East peace affairs.
Author: Yiqi Zhou
Dr. ZHOU Yiqi ist Associate Senior Fellow am Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) und Gastwissenschaftler am Programmbereich „Innerstaatliche Konflikte” der HSFK. Zu seinen Forschungsinteressen gehören Konfliktforschung, Sicherheit im Nahen Osten, internationale politische Theorie und Forschungsmethoden. // Dr ZHOU Yiqi is an associate Senior Fellow at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies (SIIS) and visiting fellow at PRIF’s research department “Intrastate Conflict”. His research interests include conflict studies, Middle East security, international political theory, and research methodology.