President Ilham Aliyev sitting with Prime Minister Benyamin Netanjahu with flags of Azerbaijan and Israel.
The alliance between Israel and Azerbaijan recently celebrated 30 years of diplomatic ties. | Photo:, wikimedia commons | CC BY 4.0

Why Israel Backs Azerbaijan in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: It’s Not About Armenia

Amidst the devastation caused by the recent earthquakes in Turkey on 6 February, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian made a strong statement warning against the threat posed by the Zionist regime to peace and stability in the region. Specifically, he pointed to Israel’s involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, where Azerbaijan emerged victorious with significant support from Israel in the form of technology and arms. But why did Israel get involved in a conflict thousands of miles away, with no direct interests? In this post, we’ll take a closer look at Israel’s strategic partnerships with Azerbaijan and Turkey, and how they tie into its involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


City hall of Agadez: On the building there are signs reading “Mairie Agadez” as well as a flag of Niger. Motorcycles are parked outside.
Agadez, Niger is the Sahel region’s major transit hub. | Photo: © picture alliance / dpa | Kristin Palitza

The Externalization of EU Borders: The Case of Agadez

While the externalization of border enforcement to African states may have contributed to a decline in arrivals to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea, Nigerien and European Union (EU) authorities have neglected the immense negative impacts of these migration policies on local communities, refugees, and migrants. This spotlight provides an overview of the local implications of the EU’s strategy of externalizing its borders towards transit states in Africa. It focuses on the case of Agadez in Niger, which has been the primary transit city within the Sahel region for migrants and refugees in transit to Europe.


Ein Podcast-Mikrofon und ein Kopfhörer werden abgebildet, untertitelt mit dem Namen das Podcast "PRIF talk". Zusätzlich wird die Episode "#006 mit Christopher Daase, Astrid Erll & TraCe" angezeigt.

PRIF talk #006 // Die Transformation politischer Gewalt

Welchen Einfluss hat der Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine auf Transformation politischer Gewalt? Was ist der Zusammenhang zwischen politischer Gewalt und kollektivem Gedächtnis? Und was kann politische Gewalt eigentlich noch bedeuten? Warum es wichtig und spannend ist, Transformation politischer Gewalt interdisziplinär zu erforschen, diskutieren Christopher Daase und Astrid Erll mit Tina Cramer in der neuen Folge unseres Podcasts PRIF Talk.


various silhouettes of female coded people
The guidelines seek to realize an ambitious set of norms of rights, resources and representation. | Image: Alexey Hulsov via pixabay (edited)

New Guidelines for Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy: The Need To Translate Norms into Political Practice

Feminist foreign policy (FFP) should aim at revising patriarchal and colonial power structures, changing exclusive male-dominated decision-making processes, and designing international politics from a perspective of gender justice. With their new guidelines, the German Foreign Office promises ambitious aims to promote gender-sensitive human rights, strengthen the participation of women at all political levels and ensure a gender-equal access to resources and budgets. However, the implementation of these guidelines remains a key factor for success and some feminist challenges have not been properly addressed.


Drei F16-Kampfflugzeuge auf einem Flugplatz
Die notwendige Infrastruktur für den Betrieb von U.S.-amerikanischen F-16-Kampfflugzeugen könnte in der Ukraine wohl erst nach einem Waffenstillstand errichtet werden. | Photo: U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Matthew Plew via flickr | Public Domain

Kampfflugzeuge für die Ukraine und das Risiko der Eskalation: Ein Realitätscheck

Nachdem mehrere NATO-Staaten der Ukraine nach monatelangem Ringen die Lieferungen von Panzern zugesagt haben, intensiviert die ukrainische Regierung ihre Forderungen nach Kampfflugzeugen westlicher Bauart. Allerdings wäre die Ukraine auch mit einigen westlichen Jets kaum in der Lage, die leistungsfähigen russischen Flugabwehrsysteme zu zerstören. Darüber hinaus, und wichtiger, stellen westliche Kampfflugzeuge enorme Anforderungen an Infrastruktur und Ausbildung. Eine Lieferentscheidung wäre in erster Linie ein politisches Signal für die langfristige Unterstützung des Landes. Auswirkungen auf dem Schlachtfeld hätte sie zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt nicht.


Russian Ambassador sits at the Security Council, holding a printed page with images up in the air.
Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia speaks at Security Council meeting in New York, accusing Ukraine of developing biological weapons under the tutelage of the United States. | Photo: © picture alliance / Pacific Press | Lev Radin

Muddying the Waters: Official Russian Disinformation on Chemical and Biologial Weapons

In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, chemical and biological weapons have once again attracted international attention due to disinformation efforts on the part of Russian officials. International forums which oversee the ban on these weapons are being used to accuse Ukraine and its allies of violating their legal obligations. Many of Russia’s accusations regarding chemical weapons resemble the patterns of deception observed in the past, while disinformation on biological weapons is displaying somewhat novel characteristics. Yet, there are tangible ways of counteracting such disinformation, thereby protecting the ban on chemical and biological weapons.


Man standing on a stage in front of an audience. The Wall behind him reads “The Global Security Initiative: Chinas proposal for So...”
A Chinese blueprint for security: Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang presents the Global Security Initiative at the Lanting Forum on February 21st, 2023 | Photo: © picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS | Andy Wong

China’s new Global Security Initiative: a rising power spreads its wings

On 21st February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry released its concept for a “Global Security Initiative”, a white paper outlining the country’s proposed solution to challenges across traditional and non-traditional security issues. While the content mostly amounts to a restatement of long-standing principles and pooling of existing activities under a new label, its packaging as a “global initiative” should be seen as a statement of intent, claiming a much greater role in international politics. The sketched Chinese security agenda differs significantly from that of Western powers in both its principles and practices, making this field a new arena of competition between both sides.


DR Congo flag in a village.
The protests in the Democratic Republic of Congo demonstrate that regional military initiatives are no panacea for multi-level security challenges. | Photo: Fiston Wasanga/CIFOR-ICRAF via flickr | CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Regional Solutions to Regional Problems? Protests in the DRC Highlight the Challenges of Regional Military Peace Operations

Just three months since the first deployment of military contingents, the East African Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo has become heavily contested by Congolese activists and parts of the Congolese population. The protests, which took place in Kinshasa, Goma and Bukavu, powerfully demonstrate that regional military initiatives are no panacea for multi-level security challenges but may in fact run the risk of intensify existing challenges and conflict dynamics.


A painting by British street artist Banksy is seen on a building destroyed by fighting in Borodyanka, Kyiv region, Ukraine. The painting shows a woman doing a handstand, apparently on the wreckage.
A painting by British street artist Banksy on a building destroyed by fighting in Borodyanka, Ukraine. | Photo: © AP Photo/Andrew Kravchenko

Gender Equality in Times of a Full-Scale War on Ukraine: A Hope for a Better Future?

The work on promoting gender equality in Ukraine continues even in the time of full-scale war, proving that the times of crisis could be used as an opportunity for a positive transformation. Tireless efforts of civil society and its prominent allies in politics have already had some fruits in keeping the topic in the public discourse, updating the National Action Plan (NAP) on UNSCR 1325 ‚Women, Peace and Security’ (WPS), and the ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention).


Lützerath, 10. Januar 2023: Polizei und Klimaaktivist:innen stehen sich gegenüber. | Foto: Lützi Lebt via flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

Ungehorsamer Klimaprotest: Proteste werden intensiver – eine Radikalisierung in die Gewalt ist nicht in Sicht

Wie mit dem Klimawandel umgehen, das wird aktuell intensiv diskutiert. Die Klimabewegung betont die Notwendigkeit einer globalen, sozialen und ökologischen Transformation, dafür intensiviert sie den Protest auch in Deutschland. Zunehmend stehen Aktionen des zivilen Ungehorsams im Zentrum. Im Raum steht der Vorwurf der Radikalisierung in die Gewalt, aktuell ist dieser allerdings unbegründet: Die Bewegung entfaltet sich auf dem Terrain des Demokratischen, verleiht der legitimierten Forderung nach Einhaltung des 1,5-Grad-Ziels von Paris Nachdruck und skizziert Visionen aus der Krise heraus.
