Seit die USA und Deutschland am Rande des NATO-Gipfels 2024 bekanntgegeben haben, dass ab 2026 konventionelle Mittelstreckenwaffen in Deutschland stationiert werden sollen, stehen die neuen Waffensysteme im Fokus der sicherheitspolitischen Diskussion. Dabei werden Rolle und Bedeutung der Systeme hauptsächlich unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Abschreckung diskutiert. Allerdings spielen sie auch eine zentrale Rolle im neuen Multi-Domain-Operationskonzept der US-Armee. Um alle Dimensionen der geplanten Stationierung erfassen zu können, müssen die weitreichenden Waffen deshalb auch unter dem Aspekt der Kriegsführung betrachtet werden.
U.S. Elections and Their Potential Impact on U.S.-Korean Relations
The upcoming U.S. elections signal a potential shift in U.S.-Korean relations. While Kamala Harris would likely continue President Biden’s focus on sanctions and deterrence, Donald Trump might just as easily revive diplomatic talks as cause another flare-up of tensions on the Korean peninsula. Meanwhile, South Korea is concerned about U.S. security commitments and currently debating whether to pursue its own nuclear deterrent. The Washington Declaration reaffirms U.S.-South Korean cooperation, but the conservative security proposal, Project 2025, hints at potential reductions in U.S. military presence. These developments raise questions about South Korea’s security and the broader stability of East Asia.
Update Overdue: Why The Bundestag Should Debate Reforms of the German Foreign Office
In a time of escalating global crises, German foreign policy faces immense pressures. Yet, German policymakers and experts rarely discuss the institution tasked with executing German diplomacy: the Federal Foreign Office. While the German Bundestag is currently debating drastic cuts to the ministry’s budget, parliamentarians are not debating overdue reforms in the Foreign Office. This is a problem, because any significant changes to the ministry will require attention and pressure from parliament.
Breaking the Cycle or Maintaining Police Lethality: The Challenge for Brazil under Lula’s Government
Elected on a progressive platform promising respect for human rights, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva faces the critical challenge of breaking the cycle of state violence and the use of excessive lethal force by public agents. Yet despite the administration being a third of the way through its term, government efforts to curb appear to be stuck in a state of inertia. This blog post examines the problems and opportunities facing Lula’s administration today.
Unterschiede, die keinen Unterschied machen? Trump, Harris und der israelisch-palästinensische Konflikt
Die USA sind der wichtigste Verbündete Israels, doch die Kriegführung Israels im Gaza-Streifen stellt diese Jahrzehnte währende „besondere Beziehung“ derzeit auf eine Belastungsprobe. Nun stehen die US-Wahlen an: Wie würden sich Trump und Harris im Falle ihrer Wahl gegenüber dem Gaza-Krieg und dem israelisch-palästinensischen Konflikt positionieren? Und würden die Unterschiede zwischen ihnen tatsächlich einen Unterschied machen mit Blick auf eine langfristige Lösung des Konflikts?

Sweden’s Accession to NATO: What Is behind the Decision?
Russia’s war against Ukraine has echoed in Northern Europe and in the Arctic, where Russia is one of the most influential actors. The region’s security landscape has been significantly transformed after Finland and Sweden, two countries that had previously preferred cooperation with NATO over full membership, joined the Alliance. Because Finland shares a common land border with Russia, its decision was met internationally with reserved understanding. Sweden, however, is in a comparatively unthreatened region, thus for actors outside Northern Europe it was an unexpected move. So, was Stockholm’s decision really surprising? Why did it happen, and what are the potential consequences?

Tödliche Gewalt gegen friedlichen Aktivismus. Was wissen wir über die Ermordung von Menschen, die sich für Menschenrechte, Land- und Umweltschutz engagieren?
Im Jahr 2023 wurden laut Global Witness weltweit mindestens 196 Land- und Umweltaktivist*innen umgebracht, Front Line Defenders zufolge insgesamt 300 Personen, die sich für Menschenrechte einsetzen. Die Forschung zu dieser tödlichen Gewalt gegen friedlichen Aktivismus steckt noch in den Kinderschuhen. Was wissen wir über Charakteristika, Muster und Ursachen? Und was folgt daraus für die europäische und deutsche Politik?
The Limits of Autonomy. Critically Assessing Factors Limiting Full Autonomy of Military Uncrewed Ground Vehicles
The robots are coming! In 2024, no week has passed without eye-catching headlines stating that “the robot wars have […] begun” as part of “a new revolution of warfare.” As robots are increasingly integrated into society, they are also being introduced into the military. In the land domain, military robots are not necessarily humanoids, a la iRobot, but are often uncrewed ground vehicles (UGVs). Looking closely, it becomes clear that we are quite far from the controversial notion of ‘fully autonomous’ robot warfare. High levels of autonomy likely won’t be achieved in UGVs in the mid-term, as the features that enable it are, ironically, its main weakness.
In the Run-Up to the BRICS+ Summit: Russia’s BRICS+ Soft Power Offensive in Fashion and Sport
Isolating Russia is a key element of the West’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. However, this strategy has only been partially successful. After more than two years of fighting, Russia has found ways to circumvent economic sanctions and political exclusion. This year’s BRICS+ summit, to be held in Kazan in October, is likely to illustrate this development. Russia will host a summit of the highest political and economic importance, bringing together leading powers from different regions of the world. This Spotlight unpacks and evaluates the effectiveness of Russia’s efforts to counter Western isolationist strategies by using soft power initiatives in the areas of fashion and sport in the run-up to the summit.
A Hands-Off Approach to International Law: The Frankfurt Administrative Court’s Stance on Arms Exports to Israel
On 15 July 2024, five individuals from Palestine applied for interim legal relief before the Administrative Court Frankfurt against the Federal Republic of Germany. They challenged arms export approvals by the German Government to Israel and claimed that these endangered their bodily integrity and life. The applicants argued that German arms control law should be interpreted in consideration of the duty to protect the right to life based on Art. 2 (2) 1 German Basic Law. They held that the export approvals violated several international law obligations and were thus unlawful.