Abbildung einer indigenen Frau, zusammengesetzt aus vielen einzelnen Portraitfotos
Gender based violence and Indigenous resilience need to gain visibility. | Image: “Still Dancing” © Jonathan Labillois

Time for True Stories: Stereotypes Absolve Gendered Violence against Indigenous in Canada

Across North America, May 5 is a day to commemorate the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit, and gender diverse people. Beyond giving space for remembrance and mourning, May 5 is connected to the aims of building knowledge, raising public awareness, stimulating solidarity and underlining the need for action to end the disproportionate deadly violence. While politics and the judicial system are reminded on this day to deliver rights and justice, another important factor for change should also gain attention: the collective imagery of the Indigenous needs to be decolonized to transform the systemic structures of violence.
