Images of Iranian women burning their hijab in the last four weeks demonstrates the unraveling of the ideological foundations of the Islamic Republic. This discontent, however, extends beyond Iran’s borders, and has strained the relationship with its regional clients. We argue that the ongoing demonstrations in Iran may exacerbate Iran’s already-shifting regional position, as the ongoing protests both question the legitimacy of the regime within and outside the country, and further weaken Iran’s capacity to support its clients in the Middle East.
Schlagwort: MENA-Region

Is the Worst Yet to Come? Consequences of the COVID-19 Crisis and its Management in the Maghreb
Soon after the global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, concerns were raised about its potential to exacerbate violent extremism and radicalization. Based on the findings of a EuroMeSCo Policy Study and focusing on the Maghreb states, this Spotlight argues that while the pandemic undoubtedly had serious consequences, there is so far no empirical evidence of a direct “COVID effect” on the activities of violent extremists beyond references to the pandemic in propaganda. In light of this, the article makes the case for broadening the debate to also take more indirect aspects such as the states’ crisis management and the emerging socioeconomic consequences into account.
Nichts ist vorbei! Zehn Jahre Arabische Aufstände
Vor zehn Jahren brachten Massenproteste den tunesischen Diktator Ben Ali zu Fall. Weitere Aufstände folgten, aber auch Bürgerkriege, regionale Instabilität und Flucht. Ab 2016 jedoch begann eine zweite Welle an großen Demonstrationen, die 2019 von Algerien bis in den Irak Demokratie und soziale Gerechtigkeit forderten und Präsidenten und Regierungen stürzten. Statt also nur zu fragen, was von den arabischen Aufständen blieb, sollten wir genau hinschauen, welche Transformationen weiterhin laufen und diskutieren, wie Europa die Prozesse des Wandels unterstützen kann.