A hole in a wire mesh fence
December 10 marks the global Human Rights Day – a suitable occasion to put the EU’s Global Human Rights Sanction Regime to scrutiny. | Photo: @anton_nazaretian via Unsplash | Unsplash License

Moving in the Rights’ Direction? An Assessment of the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime

Four years ago, on December 7, 2020, the European Union (EU) adopted its Global Human Rights Sanction Regime (EUGHRSR), which has been applauded as a milestone in the field of human rights promotion and protection. December 10, the UN’s global Human Rights Day, is a suitable occasion to put both the EUGHRSR and its performance to date to scrutiny.


Four major pro-Russian media outlets are no longer available in the EU. | Image: David Pupăză via unsplash | unsplash Lizenz

EU-wide Bans of Russian Media Outlets – More Than a Political Signal?

On May 17th, 2024, the European Council adopted a new package of EU sanctions directed against Russia, suspending the broadcasting activities of four major pro-Russian media outlets in Europe. Since the sanctioned platforms have been heavily involved in the spread of disinformation surrounding Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the ban of these outlets seems like an obvious and necessary step. However, given how easily Russian actors have been able to circumvent the blocking of media outlets, the question arises as to how effective the sanctions actually are.


In early September, Russian state-controlled gas corporation Gazprom announced that Nord Stream 1 would be shut down indefinitely. | Foto: JanChr via flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0

Russia Cuts Off Nord Stream 1: How Will This Affect Germany’s Foreign Policy?

In early September, Russia announced an indefinite stoppage of gas deliveries to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline system, causing economic turmoil. Research findings on patterns in German and Russian policy and ongoing trends shed light on these events and their probable  future impact. Despite denials from Moscow, this is a Russian attempt to influence German policy on sanctions and Ukraine. This attempt is unlikely to succeed for now. However, future developments – notably major shifts on the Ukrainian battlefield, changes in German public sentiments, and specific dynamics within the Kremlin – could cause German policy to become more susceptible to Russia’s demands.


Die russische Flagge wird vor dem Gebäude des Europarats abgehängt.
Die russische Flagge wird vor dem Gebäude des Europarates entfernt. | Photo: © picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS | Jean-Francois Badias

Kontrollierte Ent- und Verflechtung als Aufgabe der Nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie

In „Die große Illusion“ entwickelt der Publizist Norman Angell 1909 das Argument, dass Kriege sich für Staaten nicht mehr lohnen, weil sie durch den Handel miteinander ihren Wohlstand weit mehr vergrößern könnten, als durch militärische Eroberungen. Angell fasst damit das zentrale friedenspolitische Argument für Interdependenz zusammen: Die Förderung wechselseitiger Abhängigkeiten zwischen Staaten und ihren Gesellschaften […]


People holding signs saying "Russians Against War"
It is in Western countries’ long-term interest to invite Russians to experience other narratives than those distributed by the Kremlin. | Photo: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona | Unsplash License

The Battle for Minds and Hearts of Russians and the Double-sided Effect of Sanctions

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Western countries have imposed devastating sanctions on Russia. This blog argues that the current sanctions-regime help boost Kremlin-propaganda, ultimately diminishing the possibility that sanctions will procure a popular uprising or help stop the war. Western states and private organisations must avoid cultural and academic sanctions against Russians and explore ways of helping and influencing Russian civil society while comprehensive sanctions against Kremlin-linked entities are in place.
