June is celebrated as pride month worldwide. It highlights the achievements that have been made regarding the rights of people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, or sex characteristics. It also raises awareness about ongoing structural discrimination, inequality and violence. In peacebuilding contexts, individuals with diverse SOGIESC encounter severe backlash from anti-feminist actors aiming at the reversal of achievements as well as resistance from those trying to maintain the status quo.
Author: Clara Perras
The 2024 Bonn Climate Change Conference: An opportunity to push gender responsive action
In preparation of the UN Climate Change Conference, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November of 2024, subsidiary bodies will meet 3-13 June at the Bonn Climate Change Conference to discuss which urgent issues shall be decided in Baku. Compared to the early years of the UN Climate Change Conferences that were established in the 1990s, it is no longer contested to see gender among the focal points. Gender has become an established topic to be addressed, and the necessity is recognized of implementing climate policies in gender-responsive ways. Nevertheless, related political practice still leave a lot to be desired.
Beyond the Code: Unveiling Gender Dynamics in AI and Cybersecurity for International Security
Emerging technologies are transforming foreign and security policy as they challenge traditional understandings of power, influence and security. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing importance of cyberspace are some of the most prominent in this regard. Yet, not only are there repercussions for security when narrowly conceived as state security, but they also affect gender relations and human security more broadly. Gender as an analytical category allows us to shed light on the impact of emerging technologies on inequalities, power and violence.
Eine feministische Außenpolitik für Deutschland?
Seit Schweden im Jahr 2014 offiziell eine feministische Außenpolitik verfolgt, wird der Begriff in der Sicherheits- und Außenpolitik immer präsenter. Fünf weitere Länder haben mittlerweile offiziell eine feministische Außenpolitik oder zumindest feministische Leitlinien der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik eingeführt: Kanada, Frankreich, Mexiko, Spanien und Luxemburg. Damit stellen diese Staaten die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter als zentrales Mittel zur Herstellung von Frieden und Sicherheit in den Fokus ihrer Außenpolitik, setzen sich für eine höhere Anzahl an Frauen im diplomatischen und außenpolitischen Dienst ein und stärken die Durchsetzung der (Frauen-)Menschenrechte.