Image shows a screen with footage from two surveillance cameras and the caption "Camera 08" underneath. The footage shows an open room with several people, in the front you can see two women wearing medical masks
AI detection security camera feed from Mobile World Congress 2022 © picture alliance / NurPhoto | Joan Cros

Beyond the Code: Unveiling Gender Dynamics in AI and Cybersecurity for International Security

Emerging technologies are transforming foreign and security policy as they challenge traditional understandings of power, influence and security. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing importance of cyberspace are some of the most prominent in this regard. Yet, not only are there repercussions for security when narrowly conceived as state security, but they also affect gender relations and human security more broadly. Gender as an analytical category allows us to shed light on the impact of emerging technologies on inequalities, power and violence.


President Rodrigo Duterte with his son, mayoral aspi- rant Sebastian “Baste” Duterte in Davao City on May 6, 2022.
A matter of family: President Rodrigo Duterte with his son, mayoral aspirant Sebastian “Baste” Duterte in Davao City on May 6, 2022.© Presidential Communications Operations Office of the Philippines

Localization of Fatal Police Violence: Evidence from the Philippines

When discussing the use of deadly force in crime control, various factors are commonly considered, ranging from crime levels to organizational culture. Often overlooked is the influence of politics, especially local politics, on police use of deadly force, even though this may provide an important explanation for spatial and temporal variation within states. Using the Philippines as a case study, I contend that local political executives can strongly impact local police use of force levels.


Men in military uniforms on stage, raising their hands in the air.
August 6, 2023: General Abdourahmane Tchiani, Commander of the Presidential Guard Regiment, who headed the transitional government, attends the demonstration of coup supporters at a stadium in the capital city of Niger, Niamey. Photo: © picture alliance / AA | Balima Boureima.

Back in Business or Never Out? Military Coups and Political Militarization in Sub-Sahara Africa

This Spotlight discusses the resurgence of military coups in Sub-Saharan Africa. We argue that an analytical and political focus on coup events misses out on the bigger picture of military influence in politics. Introducing the new Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3) dataset, we demonstrate that African countries that were part of the recent wave of coups, previously showed signs of political militarization such as military veto powers and impunity. We conclude that these subtle forms of military influence can serve as early warning indicators for military coups.


Flugzeug vor blauem Himmel
Eine F-35A der US Air National Guard kommt in South Burlington, VT an. | Foto: Ryan Campbell/ US Air National Guard. |
The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.

Verbesserte Glaubwürdigkeit: Zur Bedeutung der F-35A für die nukleare Teilhabe

Deutschland beschafft mit der F-35A Lightning II ein neues Trägerflugzeug für die nukleare Teilhabe der NATO. Diese Anschaffung ist umstritten. Bislang wurde in der Debatte allerdings nur unzureichend berücksichtigt, dass die F-35A ein wichtiges Glaubwürdigkeitsproblem der nuklearen Teilhabe lösen kann: Veraltete europäische Kampfflugzeuge wären im Verteidigungsfall kaum in der Lage, die leistungsfähigen Luftverteidigungssysteme der Russischen Föderation zu überwinden und US-amerikanische Atomwaffen ins Ziel zu bringen. Damit trägt die F-35A zu einer Stärkung der nuklearen Abschreckung bei, deren Relevanz seit dem Angriff Russlands auf die Ukraine an Bedeutung gewonnen hat.


Mann mit Esel läuft an Soldat vorbei
Ein afghanischer Mann und ein Junge (nicht im Bild) führen ihren Esel an einem Fallschirmjäger vorbei, Provinz Paktiya, 14. Juli 2012 (Foto: © picture alliance / REUTERS | LUCAS JACKSON).

Scheitern in Afghanistan: Wenn es sich Ursachenforschung zu einfach macht

Ein Untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestages befasst sich mit den letzten anderthalb Jahren des Einsatzes in Afghanistan und vor allem mit dem desaströs verlaufenen Abzug. Zudem beleuchtet eine Enquete-Kommission des deutschen Parlaments das gesamte internationale Engagement von 2001 bis 2021 und formuliert Lehren für die Zukunft. Während die Befunde dieser beiden Gremien abzuwarten bleiben, gibt es bereits zahlreiche Publikationen zum Scheitern des internationalen Einsatzes in Afghanistan. Ein Teil dieser Ursachenforschung legt Folgerungen nahe, die ein kritisches Abwägen des Ob und Wie künftiger Einsätze erschweren.


Hauswand mit Bild von zwei Händen, die Nadeln halten, und der Aufschrift "Tejiendo la paz"
„Frieden weben“: Bild des AETCR La Guajira in Mesetas, das angesichts von Gewaltdrohungen verlegt werden musste.

Reintegration durch lokale Interaktion: Der kolumbianische Friedensprozess aus Sicht ländlicher Gemeinschaften

Ein zentrales Element des kolumbianischen Friedensprozesses mit der FARC-Guerilla bildet die kollektive Wiedereingliederung der ehemaligen Kombattant:innen in eigens dafür eingerichteten „territorialen Reinkorporationsräumen“. Eine Umfrage in sieben ländlichen Gemeinden deutet darauf hin, dass dieser Reinkorporationsprozess zu einem erkennbaren Abbau von sozialer Distanz und Misstrauen in der lokalen Bevölkerung geführt hat und so zur Wiederherstellung des sozialen Zusammenhalts beiträgt. Diese Erfolge sind allerdings begrenzt und – angesichts der andauernden Gewalt in den marginalisierten Regionen Kolumbiens – teils akut gefährdet.


People standing in a large room with the Philippine flag hanging on the wall
Members of the Philippine Congress sing the Philippine national anthem during the opening of the Second Regular Session of 17th Congress at the House of Representatives in Quezon City, Philippines, 24 July 2017. Photo: © picture alliance/EPA | ROLEX DELA PENA.

Failing in Control. Legislative weakness in the face of a strongman president in the Philippines

When Rodrigo Duterte assumed the presidency of the Philippines in 2016, he pushed a campaign against illegal drugs that resulted in thousands of suspects being killed by law enforcers. Parliament appeared entirely ineffective in opposing the extensive human rights abuses during the Presidents anti-drug campaign. This Spotlight examines the wider working logic of Philippine democracy that makes Philippine parliament into a subservient accomplice of any determined administration of the day, even if this means going along with severe human rights violations.


Podium during the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention.The Conference was held at the World Forum, The Hague, the Netherlands from 15 May to 19 May 2023.
Podium during the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention.The Conference was held at the World Forum, The Hague, the Netherlands from 15 May to 19 May 2023. | Photo: OPCW via Flickr | © OPCW CC BY-ND 2.0

The Pursuit of Consensus. The Fifth Chemical Weapons Convention Review Conference

In May 2023, 193 state parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) convened for a five-day Fifth Review Conference in The Hague – a special session held once every five years that is crucial for advancing the Convention’s objectives. Despite the urgency of addressing substantive matters such as cases of chemical weapons use, for the second time in a row state parties failed to reach a consensus on the final document. Some argued that a longer conference duration might have altered this outcome. However, this Spotlight explains why, despite the high opportunity cost and regardless of the conference’s duration, a no-consensus outcome was inevitable due to current geopolitical tensions and an ongoing obstructionist policy targeting the CWC from within.


Die 27. Trägerin des Hessischen Friedenspreises Ilwad Elman am Rednerpult bei der Preisverleihung.
Ilwad Elman am Rednerpult bei der Verleihung des Hessischen Friedenspreises. | Foto: © Hessischer Landtag, Kanzlei – Fotograf Stefan Krutsch.

Mutiger Einsatz für die Menschlichkeit: Die Verleihung des Hessischen Friedenspreises 2022 an Ilwad Elman

Am 08. März 2023 wurde Ilwad Elman mit dem Hessischen Friedenspreis 2022 der Albert-Osswald-Stiftung ausgezeichnet. Über ihre Projekte setzt Elman sich gemeinsam mit ihrer Mutter unermüdlich für die Rechte und den Schutz von Minderheiten, Frauen und Kindern in Somalia ein, um einen nachhaltigen Frieden in dem Land am Horn von Afrika zu erreichen.


Benjamin Netanjahu and Olaf Scholz attend a memorial event commemorating deportation of Jews
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend a memorial event commemorating deportation of Jews during World War II at the Plattform 17 Memorial at Grunewald railway station in Berlin, Germany, 16 March 2023. | Photo: © picture alliance / EPA | Filip Singer.

Outlook on German-Israeli Relations: German Staatsraison and Netanyahu‘s Coalition Contentious ‚Judicial Reform‘

The current Spotlight explores different interpretations of Germany’s Staatsraison – or raison d’état – which emphasize Germany’s commitment to defending Israel’s national security. This component has played a crucial role in German-Israeli relations to date. The recent attempts (January–June 2023) by Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government to overhaul the Supreme Court have left Israeli society facing extreme tension and have shaken the country’s sense of national unity. Since 1965 and especially in the post Cold War period, German Staatsraison has meant defending Israel’s security – but with the assault on Israel’s democracy, can it continue with the same purpose in the future? This Spotlight discusses how this development might impact German-Israeli relations.
