Three groups of icons representing people have shapes travelling between them and a page in the middle of the image. The page is a simple rectangle with straight lines representing data. The shapes traveling towards the page are irregular and in squiggly bands.
AI, deepfakes, and bot accounts: disinformation is widely regarded as a major threat to elections and society at large. | Image: Yasmine Boudiaf & LOTI / Better Images of AI / Data Processing / CC-BY 4.0

Germany’s Fragmented Approach to Disinformation in 2025 Elections

With elections taking place in less than a month, Germany finds itself faced with a critical challenge: foreign influence and disinformation campaigns aimed at undermining democratic processes. As Anne Applebaum warns, authoritarian regimes are no longer passive observers but rather active participants in spreading narratives that target the core ideals of freedom and democracy. In Germany, the government’s fragmented approach to countering disinformation only underscores the urgent—and, given recent developments, long overdue—need for a more proactive strategy for better understanding and addressing disinformation–during elections and beyond them.


Schüler*innen an Computern mit Bildschirmen, die eine Darstellung eines Netzhautscanners mit Pixel- und Binärdatenüberlagerungen und einer bunten Datenwellen-Heatmap im oberen Bereich enthalten.
Im Spannungsfeld zwischen globaler Vernetzung und nationalen Interessen wächst die Herausforderung, digitale Mündigkeit zu fördern und kritische Infrastrukturen zu schützen. | Foto: Kathryn Conrad via Better Images of AI | CC-BY 4.0

Frieden im Cyberspace – ein langer Weg

Desinformationskampagnen, gezielt gesteuerte Diskursverschiebungen und Cyberangriffe auch auf kritische Infrastrukturen – wie kann Frieden im Cyberspace angesichts dieser wachsenden Bedrohungen gelingen? Nationale Abschottungsstrategien und unzureichende IT-Sicherheit verschärfen diese Lage zusätzlich. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen globaler Vernetzung und nationalen Interessen wächst die Herausforderung, digitale Mündigkeit zu fördern und kritische Infrastrukturen zu schützen. Ist ein stabiler, sicherer Cyberspace eine Utopie – oder eine realisierbare Vision durch Kooperation, Resilienz und technologische Diversifizierung? Die Antwort liegt in einem globalen Kraftakt für die Zukunft der digitalen Welt.


Five people and a dog are seen outlined in orange, against an orange background. Two of the people talk to each other, one stands along with a stick, one walks a dog, and the other is in a wheelchair. All of them look at their mobile phones intently, and all cast shadows on the ground. The shadows are made up of network diagrams, being representative, rather than literal shadows.
Jamillah Knowles & Reset.Tech Australia / Better Images of AI / People on phones (portrait) / Licenced by CC-BY 4.0

Going to the Polls (Dis)Informed? The Role of Disinformation in the Upcoming US Elections

On July 21, 2024, Joe Biden announced that he would be dropping out of the race, only a week after the assassination attempt on now official Republican candidate, Donald Trump. The electoral campaign which has so far been characterized by immense uncertainty, provides a perfect breeding ground for the spread of disinformation about the candidates and election process itself. As the stakes of the upcoming US elections remain incredibly high for both domestic and international politics, disinformation is becoming one of the most pressing challenges of our time.


Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, briefs the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security.
Izumi Nakamitsu, High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, briefs the Security Council meeting on threats to international peace and security. | Photo: UN Photo/Manuel Elías

Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine

Russia has accused Ukraine of working on biological weapons, with the support of and the United States and Germany of providing support. These allegations are unfounded. There are no indications of such activities, which would be prohibited by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Germany, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States are BWC states parties. NATO and Western countries have voiced concerns that Russia may use these allegations as pretext to employ chemical weapons in the war against Ukraine.
