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Ecuador erlebt seit kurzem eine beispiellose Eskalation krimineller Gewalt. | Foto: © picture alliance ASSOCIATED PRESS | Ariel Ochoa

Von der Insel des Friedens zum Kriegszustand: Hintergründe der Gewalteskalation in Ecuador

Ecuador hat in den vergangenen Jahren eine beispiellose Eskalation krimineller Gewalt erlebt. Im Jahr 2023 wies der südamerikanische Andenstaat die höchste Homizidrate Lateinamerikas auf. Als die Gewalt im Januar 2024 erneut eskalierte, rief der neuge-wählte Präsident Daniel Noboa den Kriegszustand aus und erklärte 22 kriminelle Ban-den zu terroristischen Gruppen. In diesem Blogartikel, der auf einem gleichnamigen TraCe Policy Brief basiert, identifizieren wir zentrale Ursachen der Gewalteskalation. Abschließend diskutieren wir, was politisch aus dieser Ursachenanalyse folgt.


Symbolic picture: newly elected president, Guillermo Lasso (center) is leaving the inauguration ceremony arm in arm with Guadalupe Llori (right), indigenous leader and newly elected president of the National Assembly. | Photo: Flickr, Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador | CC BY-SA 2.0

Moving past the Pro-Correa / Anti-Correa divide in Ecuadorian politics: The indigenous Pachakutik party as a third force

On May 24, the day he took office as Ecuador’s new president, Guillermo Lasso,  was seen leaving the ceremony next to Guadalupe Llori, indigenous leader and newly elected president of the National Assembly. Lasso, a conservative politician and former banker, had won the runoff against Andrés Arauz, the candidate supported by the political movement of former president Rafael Correa, who had governed the country between 2007 and 2017. Yet, Ecuador’s new political landscape offers a chance to move beyond the polarization between Correa supporters (Correístas) and opponents (Anti-Correístas). A key sociopolitical force in this regard is the indigenous movement and its political organization, Pachakutik.


"La Marcha Más Grande de Chile" took place during the 2019 protest movement in Chile. | Photo: Wikimedia Commons, Natalia Reyes Escobar | CC BY-SA 4.0

One Year Later: The Legacy of Latin America’s 2019 Mass Protests

Between October and December 2019, mass protests swept Bolivia, Chile, Colombia and Ecuador. A year later, the legacies of these episodes of contention look very different. While in Chile protests enforced the initiation of a constitutional reform process that continues on track, recent elections in Bolivia reversed last year’s political about-face. In Ecuador and Colombia, the 2019 mass protests did not initiate comparable policy changes to begin with – but this doesn’t mean they had no lasting effects.
