Am 3. August jährt sich der zehnte Jahrestag des Völkermords, den die radikal-religiöse Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (IS) vor einem Jahrzehnt an den Jesiden im Irak verübte. Keine andere Gruppe erlebte die Gräueltaten des IS so direkt wie die Jesiden. Trotz der militärischen Niederlage des IS und der Rückeroberung der jesidischen Gebiete dauert ihr Leiden an. Angesichts anderer globaler Konflikte wie dem Ukraine-Krieg und dem Israel-Gaza-Konflikt geraten die anhaltenden Leiden der Jesiden zunehmend aus dem Blick. Dieser Blogartikel erläutert den Kontext und die Gründe, warum die Bedrohung der Jesiden nach wie vor anhält.
Schlagwort: Irak

Overcoming Gulf-Rivalry? Challenges and Chances of Saudi-Iranian Dialogue
While the Saudi-Iranian relations have mostly been shaped by ‘peaceful rivalry’ since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, they increasingly turned hostile following the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Building on recent dynamics in the Gulf region, high level politicians of Saudi Arabia and Iran have signaled serious willingness for dialogue and reconciliation. We argue here that these renewed efforts are primarily motivated by security and economic concerns but have also been supported through a series of informal interactions at different societal levels. While dialogue seems possible and desirable, its long-term prospects will be challenged by changing regional dynamics and the respective political will to overcome historical constructs of rivalry and regional competition.

Endangered Future: Yezidis in Post-Genocide Iraq and the Need for International Support
As the international memory of ISIS’ genocide against the Yezidi population of Şengal in Northern Iraq recedes, its victims have been left to languish increasingly hopelessly, in refugee camps with little realistic prospect of returning to their homes. Tens of thousands of displaced Yezidis remain dispersed across Northern Iraq, hundreds of kidnapped Yezidi girls and women are unaccounted for and the fates of many of their male relatives unknown. In the short term, there is an urgent need for international protection from further attacks, the recognition of a political status for Şengal and immediate aid for refugee camps to create the conditions for Yezidi genocide survivors to return, resettle and gain a sense of political stability and empowerment.