Kenya had awaited the presidential elections held on August 9, 2022 with bated breath. The elections were won by William Ruto, who defeated opponent Raila Odinga by just a few percentage points. Ruto succeeds Uhuru Kenyatta, who leaves office having served his two permitted terms. This Spotlight analyzes the reasons for Ruto’s success, and, reflecting on his political career, discusses what can be expected from his presidency. We argue that both his success and his career have been strongly influenced by Kenya’s political history and the power structures of political alliances—especially in the context of previous elections.
Schlagwort: Kenia
Investment in the Blue Economy for enhanced Maritime Security
The conventional understanding of maritime security is one that is viewed as battle-ready and state-centric. However, a more sustainable approach would be investment in the maritime sector under the Blue Economy (BE) lens. This would bring the general public into the fold of manning the marine space and frontiers, it would be essential in increasing the scope of security factors to be addressed. The incorporation of BE into African Peace and Security Architecture is vital in order to give it the required prominence within the continent’s peace and security agenda.
Kenia vor den Wahlen: Kaum Raum für inhaltliche Debatten
Bei den Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen in Kenia am 8. August 2017 wird ein knappes Ergebnis zwischen der Jubilee Party und der National Super Alliance erwartet. Die Befürchtungen sind groß, dass das Wahlergebnis angefochten wird und es wie schon 2007 zu gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen kommt. Seitdem wurden zwar durch Reformen des Wahlverfahrens und durch die neue Verfassung von 2010 Veränderungen angestoßen. Auch die letzten Wahlen (2013) verliefen weitgehend friedlich. Trotzdem erwartet die Mehrheit der kenianischen Bevölkerung gewaltsame Ausschreitungen. Zugleich werden in Kenia Forderungen laut, sich auf politische Inhalte zu konzentrieren. Bislang erstickt die Sorge vor gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen und vor Wahlbetrug dringend nötige inhaltliche Debatten.