Almost 25 years after the end of the war and six years since its European Union membership Croatia is still unable to re-integrate its declining Serb population. Serbs face intolerance, economic obstacles and discrimination. Croatian nationalists target them as an inconvenient reminder that their exclusive narrative is just a myth. At the same time, they use the Serbs as the perfect “enemy” in order to preserve the dominant status of ethno-nationalism. Croatia therefore fails to respect the highest internationally recognized minority rights to which it repeatedly committed itself in the early days of its independence and during the EU integrations process.

Croatian Nationalist Elites Love to Hate Serbs

Almost 25 years after the end of the war and six years since its European Union membership Croatia is still unable to re-integrate its declining Serb population. Serbs face intolerance, economic obstacles and discrimination. Croatian nationalists target them as an inconvenient reminder that their exclusive narrative is just a myth. At the same time, they use the Serbs as the perfect “enemy” in order to preserve the dominant status of ethno-nationalism. Croatia therefore fails to respect the highest internationally recognized minority rights to which it repeatedly committed itself in the early days of its independence and during the EU integrations process.


Das Tur Abdin-Gebirge ist die Heimat der syrisch-orthodoxen Minderheit in der Türkei
Das Tur Abdin-Gebirge ist die Heimat der syrisch-orthodoxen Minderheit in der Türkei | Photo: senoldemir | CC BY 2.0

Die Wahlen vom 24.06.2018 und ihre Auswirkungen auf die christlichen Minderheiten der Türkei

Mit dem Eintritt der radikal-nationalistischen MHP in die türkische Regierung könnte sich feindliche Stimmung gegen die christlichen Minderheiten im Lande noch verstärken. Gleichzeitig erzielte mit der pro-kurdischen HDP eine Partei beachtliche Ergebnisse, die sich explizit mit ihrem Programm und auch ihren Kandidat/innen für mehr Rechte der verschiedenen christlichen Gruppierungen einsetzt.
