Die innenpolitische Stimmung in den USA dreht sich. Mehr und mehr Amerikanerinnen und Amerikaner halten die Entsendung von Streitkräften nach Afghanistan wie auch in den Irak für einen Fehler. | Photo: flickr, U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos | Public Domain

Weniger Militär wagen? Wie die Antikriegsstimmung in den USA den Afghanistan-Abzug prägt

Die innenpolitische Stimmung in den USA dreht sich. Mehr und mehr Amerikanerinnen und Amerikaner halten die Entsendung von Streitkräften nach Afghanistan wie auch in den Irak für einen Fehler. Diese Trends helfen, die Abzugsentscheidung der Biden-Regierung zum 20. Jahrestag von 9/11 zu verstehen. Sie werfen aber auch wichtige Fragen auf: zur deutschen und europäischen Sicherheitspolitik, zur Verantwortung der Bundesrepublik in Afghanistan, und zur Rolle diplomatischer und militärischer Mittel in der Außenpolitik.


Strait of Hormuz – the strait between Iran on the north coast and the Arabian Peninsula on the south is less than 40km at some points. It is one of the world’s most strategically choke points. | Photo: © European Space Agency via Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Overcoming Gulf-Rivalry? Challenges and Chances of Saudi-Iranian Dialogue

While the Saudi-Iranian relations have mostly been shaped by ‘peaceful rivalry’ since the Islamic Revolution in 1979, they increasingly turned hostile following the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Building on recent dynamics in the Gulf region, high level politicians of Saudi Arabia and Iran have signaled serious willingness for dialogue and reconciliation. We argue here that these renewed efforts are primarily motivated by security and economic concerns but have also been supported through a series of informal interactions at different societal levels. While dialogue seems possible and desirable, its long-term prospects will be challenged by changing regional dynamics and the respective political will to overcome historical constructs of rivalry and regional competition.


Foreign Minister Maas speaks before the UN General Assembly, which this year was largely conducted virtually. The United Nations, but also the European Union, are important pillars of a German strategy of multilateralism. | UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Support for multilateralism is not enough — a clearly defined focus and strategy is a must

The purpose of any German strategy of multilateralism must be to invest in the multilateral system and foster robust international organizations which strengthen the European Union’s Common Security and Defense Policy, and to prioritize the implementation of existing international regulations over the development of new sets of regulations.


Außenminister Maas spricht vor der UN-Generalversammlung, die in diesem Jahr größtenteils virtuell durchgeführt wurde. Die Vereinten Nationen, aber auch die Europäische Union sind wichtige Stützpfeiler einer deutschen Multilateralismus-Strategie. | UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Wer Multilateralismus will, muss auch sagen können, wo und wie

Eine deutsche Multilateralismus-Strategie sollte in das multilaterale System investieren und starke internationale Organisationen fördern, die Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik der Europäischen Union stärken und der Umsetzung bestehender internationaler Regeln Vorrang einräumen gegenüber der Entwicklung neuen Regelwerke. 


People in Berlin, Germany, demonstrate for recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
People in Berlin, Germany, demonstrate for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. | Photo: Aschroet | CC0 1.0

Is the Work Done? Views from Armenians in Germany on the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

All around the globe the Armenian Diaspora has been campaigning in their respective countries to recognise the massacres of 1.5 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 as genocide. This year marks the 105th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide but the successor state of the perpetrator – Turkey – continues labelling it as “so-called“ genocide. After many years of hesitation, Germany became the 25th country to officially adopt a resolution to recognise the Armenian Genocide in 2016. How has this step impacted the perspectives of the Armenian community in Germany?


Versammlungshalle des UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York City.
UN-Sicherheitsrat in New York City | Photo: Wikimedia Commons | CC BY-SA 4.0

Der UN-Sicherheitsrat und COVID-19: Missing in Action

Bislang hat sich der UN-Sicherheitsrat offiziell nicht mit COVID-19 beschäftigt, obwohl die Pandemie potenziell weitreichende Auswirkungen auf Fragen von Frieden und Sicherheit haben kann. Die Arbeit des Sicherheitsrates wird durch die Krise organisatorisch erschwert. Aber auch aufgrund unterschiedlicher Interessen der permanenten Mitglieder scheint eine Einigung auf eine Erklärung oder Resolution nicht in Sicht. Dabei hätte der Sicherheitsrat gerade jetzt eine Vorreiterrolle im Krisenmanagement einnehmen müssen, indem er COVID-19 zur Bedrohung für Frieden und Sicherheit erklärt und multilaterale Mechanismen zur Krisenbewältigung einrichtet.


Cyril Ramaphosa, South African President and Chairperson of the African Union visits citizens under quarantine who had just been repatriated from Wuhan, China, following the Covid-19 outbreak.
Cyril Ramaphosa, South African President and Chairperson of the African Union, visits citizens under quarantine. | Photo: GovernmentZA | CC BY-ND 2.0

An Island of Internationalism: The African Union’s Fight Against Corona

Although corona is a global health threat, immediate reactions to contain its spread have mainly followed a logic of national sovereignty, threatening many of the hard-won achievements of decades of international cooperation. In this situation, the African Union (AU) is a rare case of internationalism: it has played an important role in providing coordination, expertise and technical support to its member states, engaging in advocacy, and mobilizing resources. It is imperative to applaud, but more so to support the AU in continuing to play its vital role as one of the few islands of internationalism these days.


US-Briefmarke zum Gedenken an den 20. Jahrestag der Vereinten Nationen
US-Briefmarke zum Gedenken an den 20. Jahrestag der Vereinten Nationen | Foto: Wikimedia Commons | Public Domain

Infizierte Weltordnung: Ende des Lagerdenkens – Comeback der UN!

Das Corona-Virus könnte die schon länger kriselnde internationale Ordnung grundlegend verändern. In den Reaktionen auf die globale Pandemie deutet sich – so unsere These – ein einschneidender Paradigmenwechsel an: Das bisher dominante Paradigma des Wettkampfs wird Schritt für Schritt abgelöst von einem neuen Paradigma der Kooperation. Noch ist unklar, wie nachhaltig dieser Trend ist. Aber die Krise macht Wandel möglich. Globale Solidarität lautet das Wort der Stunde: Es ist Zeit für egalitären Multilateralismus – und ein Comeback der UN.


Normandy Format Summit Held in Paris | Photo: picture alliance/ZUMA Press
Normandy Format Summit Held in Paris | Photo: picture alliance/ZUMA Press

What Does the Normandy Summit Mean for the Peace Process in Ukraine?

The beginning of conflict in Eastern Ukraine is nearing its sixth anniversary. The concerted effort of Russian, French, German and Ukrainian leaders to settle this issue diplomatically has yielded few tangible results so far. The recent meeting in Paris of four leaders gives ground for cautious optimism. What have the parties agreed upon? What problems remain and what has changed since the last round of Normandy negotiations?


Discussion, dialogue and negotiation are important aspects of democracy promotion | Photo: EU Non-Proliferation Consortium

Why study democracy promotion negotiation?

Democracy promotion is a fundamentally interactive practice: it involves a complex interplay of external and local actors. In perceiving their goals, democracy promoters interact with various kinds of “local actors” and must increasingly confront the fact that local interests not only have to be taken seriously and integrated, but that a successful democratization process requires more than template models imposed from the outside. It requires discussion, dialogue and negotiation – and here comes the problem: Although most scholars acknowledge the interactive nature of democracy promotion, the interaction process itself is largely treated as a “black box” and negotiation dynamics have been somewhat unexplored. This is about to change.
