The treatment of the Uyghur population by the CCP has been an ongoing concern for the last 5 years. Over this time information has leaked from government and security sources which indicates that grave human rights violations and potentially even crimes against humanity have been committed. The UN High Commissioner has recently visited China and the Xinjiang region and in this context the newest significant trove of information was released, showing once more the human rights abuses. Yet it is unlikely that any multilateral action will be taken, outside of diplomatic efforts. As there are few avenues to address these human rights violations in international law, the more diplomatic approach that can be seen in the visit of the High Commissioner should be supported.
Schlagwort: Vereinte Nationen
Assistance to Ukraine: Moving away from the neutrality paradigm
The Ukrainian government has requested other states to provide military material, which Germany and other states have acted on. Russia asserts that states making such deliveries are involving themselves in the conflict and would regard such deliveries as military targets and treat them accordingly. Targeting vessels carrying such deliveries is using force against the state sending these materials, which is not allowed unless a state becomes a party to the conflict. Consequently, it is important to determine when a state is no longer neutral and what the difference is between not being neutral and becoming a party to the conflict.
Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine
Russia has accused Ukraine of working on biological weapons, with the support of and the United States and Germany of providing support. These allegations are unfounded. There are no indications of such activities, which would be prohibited by the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Germany, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the United States are BWC states parties. NATO and Western countries have voiced concerns that Russia may use these allegations as pretext to employ chemical weapons in the war against Ukraine.

Totgesagte leben länger: Die Vereinten Nationen und der Krieg in der Ukraine
Die Vereinten Nationen (UN) scheinen machtlos im Krieg um die Ukraine. Die Organisation, die erschaffen wurde, um die Welt vor der „Geißel des Krieges“ zu bewahren, konnte den russischen Angriff nicht verhindern. Ist es also Zeit für einen endgültigen Abgesang auf die UN? Nein. Denn nicht zuletzt die gestrige „Uniting for Peace“-Resolution hat gezeigt: das russische Aushebeln der UN-Charta provoziert deutlichen Widerstand, getragen von vielen kleinen UN-Mitgliedsstaaten. Nun gilt es, mit ihnen in die Ordnung von Morgen zu investieren.
Education for Global Citizenship: Insights from three International Programs
The fall 2021 PRIF@School session was all about Global Citizenship Education (GCED). Guest speakers from three international organizations presented their work in global education and subsequently engaged in a discussion with our community educators. In 2015, the United Nations have established GCED as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG Target 4.7). But what does GCED mean? Do we need a global framework for civics and citizenship education? What are the core goals and what are successful approaches? What can individual teachers do to implement global perspectives in their schools? The PRIF@School discussion enabled educators, community members, and researchers to exchange ideas.
Time for revisions: Local ownership in the UN mission in the DR Congo
The UN peacekeeping mission in the DR Congo comes to an end. This happens at a time when the country and especially the eastern provinces are still experiencing violence and armed conflict. Among others, the conflict situation, and the limited success of the UN to keep peace in the country is due to an insufficient understanding of local conflict dynamics within the civilian population. With the UN focussing on the macro level, the root causes of conflicts get out of sight. It is time to reflect on these problems and consider how a different local ownership approach could foster the exit strategy of MONUSCO.
Die Wahlprogramme zu Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr
In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten haben unterschiedliche Mehrheiten im Bundestag die deutschen Streitkräfte in Dutzende Auslandseinsätze außerhalb des NATO-Gebiets geschickt, und das mit dem erklärten Ziel, für Sicherheit und Frieden zu sorgen. Bis Juli 2021 sind 113 Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr bei Auslandseinsätzen ums Leben gekommen, die meisten beim Engagement in Afghanistan, das Deutschland zwischen 2001 und 2020 rund 12,2 Mrd. € kostete. Wie positionieren sich vor der Wahl die in Fraktionsstärke im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien zu Auslandseinsätzen?

Die UN als globaler „Streitraum“. Zur Aktualität von Dag Hammarskjölds Erbe
Dag Hammarskjöld? War das nicht der mit dem mysteriösen Flugzeugabsturz im Kongo? Außerhalb des kleinen Kreises derer, die sich intensiv mit der Geschichte der Vereinten Nationen beschäftigen, verblasst die Erinnerung an den zweiten UN-Generalsekretär zunehmend. Wir wollen den 60. Todestag von Dag Hammarskjöld zum Anlass nehmen, um nochmals einen Blick auf dieses „Wunderkind aus Schweden“ […]
Why will so many Scientists Boycott the UN Food Systems Summit?
At the upcoming Food Summit, the United Nations take a necessarily hard look at the world’s food systems. “Not hard enough”, claim an increasing number of food and agricultural scientists who are losing their patience with the globalized system of agribusiness and its failure to deliver for the world’s poor and the environment.
Give Peacekeeping a Chance in Afghanistan
The withdrawal of U.S. military in Afghanistan is underway and the security situation is increasingly worsening. This blog explains why, unlike counterinsurgency, peacekeeping could actually work to stabilize the country as it is based on the consent of the parties of the civil war.