Feministische Perspektiven in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung konzentrieren sich auf die Geschlechterverhältnisse in Kriegen, Konflikten oder in der Friedenskonsolidierung sowie auf die Machtverhältnisse in der internationalen Politik. Gerade Kriege stellen Frauen vor besondere Herausforderungen: Sie sind nicht nur häufiger Opfer von sexualisierter Kriegsgewalt, sondern werden in der Regel auch von der Teilnahme an Friedensverhandlungen und Entscheidungsprozessen ausgeschlossen. Aber nicht nur Kriege schränken geschlechtersensible Menschenrechte ein, auch autoritäre Staaten und rechte Bewegungen bekämpfen selbstverständlich geglaubte Menschenrechte, wie die reproduktiven Rechte von Frauen oder die Rechte von LGBTIQ+ Personen. Die feministische Friedens- und Konfliktforschung analysiert Ursachen und Folgen von Geschlechterungleichheit und -diskriminierung, blickt aber auch auf verschiedene Gewaltformen, also auf physische, strukturelle und systemische Gewalt, wie z.B. Sexismus und Rassismus, und wie man diesen begegnen kann.
Unsere neue Blogreihe will die Vielfältigkeit der feministischen Forschung in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung zeigen und politische Erfolge und Misserfolge sichtbar machen. Dafür diskutiert sie feministische Fragen in den Themenfeldern Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Friedensförderung, Menschenrechte, Flucht und Migration, sowie gesellschaftspolitische und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Die Blogreihe will zeigen, wie solche inklusiven, feministischen Perspektiven die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung aber auch die politischen und sozialen Verhältnisse weltweit verändern können.
Feminist perspectives in peace and conflict studies focus on gender relations in wars, conflicts, or peacebuilding, as well as on power relations in international politics. War especially poses special challenges for women, not only are they more often victims of conflict related sexual violence but are usually excluded from participating peace negotiations and decision-making processes. But it is not only wars that restrict gender-sensitive human rights, authoritarian states and right-wing movements also fight human rights that were considered self-evident, such as women’s reproductive rights or the rights of LGBTIQ+ persons. Feminist peace and conflict research analyses the causes and consequences of gender inequality and discrimination, but also looks at different forms of violence, i.e. physical, structural and systemic violence, such as sexism and racism, and how these can be countered.
Our new blog series intends to show the diversity of feminist research in peace and conflict studies and to make political successes and failures visible. To this end, in this blog series authors discuss feminist issues in the thematic fields of foreign and security policy, peacebuilding, human rights, displacement, and migration, as well as socio-political and social justice. The blog series aims to show how such inclusive feminist perspectives can change peace and conflict research, but also political and social conditions worldwide.
World leaders and international civil society will gather in New York on 22-23 September 2024 for the UN Summit of the Future. The Summit is an event where world leaders meet and address current international issues and challenges to find consensus on how to create a better and ...
Despite a 2015 ban, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) remains practiced in The Gambia. A recent bill to repeal the ban now endangered legislative progress so many Gambian women have been holding onto as well as longstanding efforts of civil society organizations. On 15 ...
June is celebrated as pride month worldwide. It highlights the achievements that have been made regarding the rights of people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, or sex characteristics. It also raises awareness about ongoing structural ...
June 19th is the international day for the elimination of sexual violence in conflict. It is a day of silent remembrance, as the crime of conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) is not a priority on political agendas. Survivors are often too traumatized to report, or experience ...
In preparation for the UN Climate Change Conference, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, in November of 2024, subsidiary bodies will meet 3-13 June at the Bonn Climate Change Conference to decide which urgent issues shall be discussed in Baku. Compared to the early years of the UN Climate ...
Across North America, May 5 is a day to commemorate the thousands of missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls, two-spirit, and gender diverse people. Beyond giving space for remembrance and mourning, May 5 is connected to the aims of building knowledge, raising public ...
Emerging technologies are transforming foreign and security policy as they challenge traditional understandings of power, influence and security. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and the increasing importance of cyberspace are some of the most prominent in this ...
Seit der Machtübernahme der Taliban am 15. August 2021 hat sich die Situation von Frauen und Mädchen in Afghanistan dramatisch verschlechtert. Anlässlich des Internationalen Frauentags haben die PRIF-Forscherinnen Dr. habil. Simone Wisotzki und Irem Demirci mit Dr. Alema ...
The United Nations (UN) deploys peacekeepers worldwide to help build peace and security. Meanwhile, a serious problem persists: sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) perpetrated by peacekeepers. Despite extensive efforts, including codes of conduct, sanctions, and training, ...
Feminist foreign policy (FFP) should aim at revising patriarchal and colonial power structures, changing exclusive male-dominated decision-making processes, and designing international politics from a perspective of gender justice. With their new guidelines, the German Foreign ...
The work on promoting gender equality in Ukraine continues even in the time of full-scale war, proving that the times of crisis could be used as an opportunity for a positive transformation. Tireless efforts of civil society and its prominent allies in politics have already had ...
On October 31, 2000, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security (WPS), recognizing the different needs and roles of women and girls during conflicts. By that time, Kosovo was one of the post-war contexts where the resolution ...
As a landmark in the movement to increase global attention to women’s critical role in participation, protection, prevention, relief and recovery in conflict settings, the UN Security Council’s resolutions on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) lend reference power to gender ...
Ukraine has become one of the first countries to launch a National Action Plan (NAP) of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS) during a localized armed conflict and to update it during the full-scale invasion of the country. This blog unveils some of the ways that gender and ...
Feministische Außenpolitik erlebt derzeit einen Aufschwung, die aktuellen Konzepte variieren jedoch stark in Form und Umfang. Obwohl die Theorie einen Paradigmenwechsel vorsieht, der deutlich über die Partizipation von Frauen und marginalisierten Gruppen an politischen ...
Die Bundesregierung bekennt sich in ihrem Koalitionsvertrag zur Idee einer feministischen Außenpolitik. Deutschland folgt damit den Beispielen Schwedens, Kanadas und insgesamt neun anderer Länder, die verschiedene Formen feministischer Außenpolitik eingeführt haben. Aktuell ...
Frauen, Mädchen und LGBTIQ+-Personen sind aufgrund ihrer besonderen Gewaltbetroffenheit sowohl auf Fluchtwegen als auch im potentiellen Aufnahmeland besonders zu schützen. Doch das internationale Flüchtlingsschutzsystem unterliegt einem male bias, der aus feministischer ...
Feminist approaches in peace and conflict studies have been neglected for a long time – but they are currently on the rise. Interestingly, a similar trend may be observed in the practice of peacebuilding. While researchers and consultants base their approaches on similar ...
Feministische Perspektiven in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung konzentrieren sich auf Geschlechterverhältnisse in Kriegen, Konflikten oder in der Friedensförderung. Die Forschung analysiert Ursachen und Folgen von Geschlechterungleichheit und -diskriminierung, blickt aber ...